5 Most Common Transmission Problems

by | Mar 1, 2023 | Transmission | 0 comments

The transmission in your vehicle is what transfers power from the engine to the drive wheels. If the transmission and its components like the computer and sensors aren’t working, you won’t go anywhere. Vehicles have automatic or manual transmissions. Manual transmissions are usually sealed units, so you don’t need to add or check transmission fluid directly. However, you should replace it as recommended by the manufacturer. You will need to check and replace the automatic transmission fluid. Apart from this, you may face various other transmission problems such as


Like any other vehicle part that contains fluid, transmission leaks can occur. If you lose enough fluid, your transmission will not function as it should. A transmission needs fluid to be well-lubricated and run smoothly. If you’ve ever noticed that your vehicle accelerates fine in drive but doesn’t rev well in reverse, it’s usually a sign that it’s low on transmission fluid. You have to fix the leak.

Bad Clutches

If your vehicle’s transmission seems unresponsive, you may have worn clutches. The clutch consists of steel and friction plates. The plates eventually wear down so proper pressure cannot be exerted on the planetary gear which decides which gear you are in. If the transmission fluid level is correct but the transmission is slipping, you will need to reinstall the clutch. kit. When the transmission shifts, the engine spins up, but the vehicle does not spin accordingly.


If the transmission clunks or whines, you should have had it looked at sooner. The problem may be in the torque converter or planetary gears. Torque converters are easy to replace, but if the damage is on hard parts, it’s time for a new transmission.

Grind and Shake

This is something that occurs with manual transmissions, and it’s usually an issue with the gears. This can include wear and tear when you put the vehicle in gear. In most cases, the manual transmission clutch will need to be replaced.

Burning Smell

If you suspect that something is burning, you should have your vehicle checked immediately. The burning smell can come from any number of things, including burning manifold wire insulation, oil leaks on the exhaust manifold, or transmission overheating. If it is running hot, the fluid level may be low, or you may be using the wrong type of transmission fluid. Have you had your transmission checked by a professional immediately before it does more damage to your car?

Prevention Tips

Like any moving part, transmission parts will eventually wear out. By performing regular maintenance on it, you can get the most life out of your transmission. Make sure you flush the transmission at the correct intervals recommended by your vehicle’s manufacturer. You can flush it yourself, but it’s always better to have experienced professionals do it so you know it’s done correctly. Your transmission is one of the most important parts of your vehicle, so you don’t want to risk ruining it.

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